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Increase Your Product Quality Through Accessibility

Victoria Gonda

@TTGonda ∙ victoriagonda.com

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What is accessibility?


Why should you care?


Makes a better product

A product created with accessibility in mind provides a better experience for everyone.


Wider audience

1 in 4 adults in the US have some type of disability


Drive innovation

Constraints are fuel for creativity


ADA Compliance


Treat your users with care

Let’s change the narrative “heroic disabled person overcomes obstacles” to “society is inclusive, all can succeed.” - Haben Girma


Question time!

How can you test for accessibility improvements?


Accessibility tools


Accessibility testing


screenshot of accessibility scanner app in play store - fit screenshot of accessibility scanner outlining suggestions - fit screenshot of accessibility scanner describing a flagged issue - fit



Dimensions of accessibility

Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust



“Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.”


Question time!

What is a way people can perceive your app?



Images and image buttons



Time based media

Audio, video, and auto advance


Time based media

Audio, video, and auto advance



Relationship and ordering

screenshot of the play store with a title, subtitle, and action grouped right fit


Sensory cues

Don’t rely on only a visual or audio cue to convey information



Allow both portrait and landscape



Color contrast



Color contrast

Conveying information


Font and display size

screenshot of play store with display and font size very large right fit


screenshot of play store with display and font size very large right fit screenshot of play store with display and font default size left fit



“User interface components and navigation must be operable.”


Question time!

What is a way people can operate your app?





Give users enough time to complete a task

Allow extending time if needed, or don’t put time limits at all


Gestures and Pointers

Multi-touch gesture actions should be accessible via a single touch

And you should be able to back out of single touch ones, too


Touch targets



“Information and the operation of user interface must be understandable.”





fit right



“Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted by by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.”


Build quality apps. Build for the world you want.


Last Question

What things can you remember to look for to keep your app accessible?

"Android accessibility by tutorials" left fit

Android Accessibility by Tutorials

Read on:


Thank you

Victoria Gonda

Resources: VictoriaGonda.com/talks